Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Paps and Publicity

Seven-Stone Weakling my ass. That's what Niall was called about 14 hours ago by several websites while reporting him flirting with this one chick.

So, okay, I'm not so happy about the girl thing, but once I got over that, I just thought about how HORRIBLE the headline was. Milk bottle complexion?! What? Niall is NOT fat, nor is his pale skin something worth pointing out. It doesn't make any sense to me.

Read the article here. I just think that it's obsurd.

Going on to the girl subject... I feel like Niall's a victim of public news recently. Especially on his love life and whatnot.

Yeah, it kinda irked me. But I mean, if you're Niall freaking Horan, it's understandable that girls will be hanging around him 24/7. I can't judge the girl much right now just because I don't even know her name. Or anything about her, for that matter. It was bad publicity though, to be seen with Niall like that. The way girls are put out there, especially when they're dating/seen with 1D, have been terrible. As a fan, it makes me pissed the way they were 'introduced' to the world.

Like the article I put the link to, they also make little captions that definitely throw off the readers. Did you see the one with the girl facing Niall? Definitely looks like they're kissing. But hey, do we know that for sure? No we don't. Maybe that's just the fan inside me saying that, but how hard could it be to just assume and write that? They don't know the story. So they better check their facts first. Because I highly doubt they did.

I understand that I myself would want to keep up with his antics and girl situations. The story sells. But when they start sneaking in offensive things about Niall, it's getting to the point where it focuses on his 'flaws' too.

As a hardcore fan, I don't see the flaws. All I see is the personality and good looks and talent. As a person, I see flaws. But everyone has them, right? So what if he's pale? People don't even know the reason that he's pale is because he's Irish. They actually burn, not so much tan well. Did you know that?! No. Because people are just so quick to judge.

Oh, so you think he's fat? Niall Horan eats alot, so obviously he is heavy. No. Another assumption right there. Seven stone weakling? Really? Well, did you know his metabolism is very high, so actually, he can't gain weight easily? Even building muscle for him is a challenge.

My point is, I'm just sick and tired of all this hidden offensiveness in the headlines these days. I'm in defense not only for Niall, not only for One Direction. This is happening way more often nowadays to most celebrities in the spotlight. And I think it simply just has to stop.



Argh. What I hate about this picture is how that girl is SMILING at the paps. Like she knows this will stir up the news. And cause World War III. Which it did. At least in my head.

Omg. What a flirt. Ugh. GET YO' HANDS OFF HIM. Not just cuz I'm jealous, but REALLY?! Omg Niall totally looks oblivious. Wait no scratch that. He deffo knows. He loves girls all up on him. :'( My baby is growing up. THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR ME. Brb dying/crying/hating myself/more crying.