Okay, please take the time to watch this. It's a bit long, especially with the advertisements in between. But it's definitely worth it!
Who thought the beginning was hilarious?! Ironically Liam said it. I mean what.
Go ahead, I'm not going to take forever listing down the highlights of this video. Just watch it. The ending's the best so I recommend you don't skim through it. ;)
P.S. Can we admire how beautiful Niall is. He's perfect. He looks so tan! I love how he just randomly smiles all the time. THATS MY BOY. 12:04 that smile. <3
He was amazing, and so were the rest of the boys. Zayn. UMF. His hair. And did you see that little thing going on between Lou and Niall?! NOUIS man.
And Harry why you wear a long-sleeved shirt?! I wanna see your tattooooooos! But anyway, you were really hot okay.
Liam - can I marry you or. Seriously. Your face, your hair... you're absolutely stunning in this. Asdfghjkl
Lou - you really would be the perfect host for something, like the TCAs or Much Music or something. EMAs! YES. Because I couldn't stop admiring you in this video <3
I hope they'll perform LWWY in addition to WMYB. I'm sorry but they've performed that song so many times, it's like I WANT MORE! Of course I get excited still whenever I hear it on the freakin' radio, but I definitely am ready for some new music! It's just a rumor though that they'll perform the new song.
We'll just have to see!
Check out the video above!